Sunday, May 3, 2009

Thai sauce algebra

A waitress at the tenderloin Thai House Express was nice enough to reveal the ingredients of the absurdly delicious spicy green sauce that's served with the house beef. Proportions, however, were not supplied, so clearly some experimentation was in order.

For the sake of:
  1. science
  2. those outside the reach of a late meal at THX, and
  3. the pride of discovery
I'm posting the results for popular enjoyment.
I'm still trying to figure out the morality of reverse recipe engineering, especially from such a beloved restaurant. But for now:
Cilantro (all of the above, 1/2 a grocery store bunch?)
Chopped garlic (2 cloves)
Honey/Sugar (2 Tbsp)
Fish sauce (3/4 - 1 tsp)
Lime juice (3 small limes ~ 1/4 cup)
Rice vinegar (2 Tbsp)
1/2 - 3/4 of a medium-sized jalapeno

Mix sugar/honey with liquid ingredients, and combine all in food processor until it looks approximately like below.
We'll need to do some side-by-side testing to evaluate the match, but the final iteration was ultra-flavorful and definitely reminiscent of the in-house flavor.

Please note that there is no substitute for the tenderloin experience (let alone the rest of the menu, yum).

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